Ridinghall Rules
Rules for the use of the Riding hall and outdoor arena at Skönabäck
Skönabäck offers a limited number of Facility cards, which are available as seasonal cards at following prices:
Summer season, May-September: SEK 2,250; winter season, October-April: SEK 3,150; annual card: SEK 4,750.
Get in touch with equestrian manager Larissa Tandari at 070-4010 020 or larissa.tandari@skonaback.se for questions.
Use of facility cards
- One facility card per rider, for fellow riders a separate facility card is redeemed if several horses are to be ridden at the same time.
- Family cards do not exist, one card per family member is redeemed if several horses are to be ridden at the same time.
NOTE! The forest path, speed track and sand track on the west side of road 102 may only be used by our tenants. A riding trail in fields and meadows on the east side of road 102, of about 5 km has been prepared, and is now open for our tenants and those with a valid facility card.
Calendar for the riding hall and outdoor arena
At www.skonaback.se you'll find a calendar with information about activities in the riding hall & on the riding arena: Red note = Closed! Individual or group coaching. Orange note = Closed! Training by Skönabäck's tenants. Green note = Information about activity, riding hall/riding arena is open for other riding, be respectful.
A private Facebook group exists as an addition to the calendar, called "Ridhus och ridbanor Skönabäck Sweden". Here, you as a member can inform other cardholders and tenants about changes of planned trainings, or if you have wishes and questions. Enter the site and request to be added.
Use of the riding hall & riding arena
The riding hall/riding arena may be used by tenants, pupils in booked trainings and holders of a facility card. During the summer season, riding hall and riding arena is available for tenants and facility cardholders and riding is allowed at any available time. During the winter season, riding is permitted for cardholders 05:30-07:30 & 14:00-00:00 and the entire weekend unless bookings in the calendar say otherwise. Use of facility otherwise by agreement with the equestrian manager.
Reservations in the riding hall & riding arena
Riding hall bookings are to be approved by the equestrian manager. Group trainings occur certain times in the week and if you do not participate in the group, you are not to ride in the riding hall at these occasions. The outside riding arena is available in this case if the weather allows it. The same goes for the arena vs the riding hall in the summer. To participate at booked trainings please contact our different coaches for further information and booking. See website for phone number and contact details.
During Competitions, Pay & Jumps and Pay & Rides, both riding hall and outdoor arena are booked.
Harrowing/watering of riding hall & riding arena
Riding hall and riding arena are harrowed and watered when needed according to the season. See calendar for fixed bookings.
Jumping/obstacles inside the riding hall
Obstacles may be left in the riding hall from Tuesday morning until Friday at noon. (Exceptions may occur depending on activity). When the obstacles are not in use, they are to be placed in maximum 2 clusters, preferably in the northern corners. Alternatively, they can be placed in the obstacle shed under the grandstand.
Tenants at Skönabäck decide the placement of the obstacles - other trainers/users must restore the obstacles after use.
Friday lunch to Sunday, it is allowed to use the obstacles in the riding hall by agreement with others who are using the riding hall at the same time, the obstacles must always be put back in the specified place after use.
Monday is a jump-free day and the riding hall must be free of obstacles. (No jumping should take place unless an agreement has been made with the equestrian manager at Skönabäck.)
Jumping/obstacles on the outside arena
On the outside riding arena obstacles may be left out every day of the week during the period March to September (this is adapted to the weather). Our tenants are responsible for removal of the obstacles before track maintenance in consultation with the staff at Skönabäck.
The dressage fence
May be used by agreement with the equestrian manager and stored in the obstacle shed.
Lunging and loose jumping
Should primarily take place in the paddock outside the western stable or on the lunge ramp outside the fibre sand arena next to the riding hall. In bad weather, lunging/long reining may take place in the riding hall, but with caution so that the surface is not damaged and may only take place if it does not disturb other riders. A short lunging before mounting young horses is allowed. Loose jumping may only be done by tenants by agreement with the equestrian manager.
For everyone's comfort and safety
- Always pick up your horse's manure in the riding hall, on the outside riding arena and on the way to and from the riding hall and in the car park. Manure baskets must always be put back in its specified place after use.
- A helmet must always be worn when riding!
- Always show respect to other fellow riders during your stay at Skönabäck's courses and facility!
- No "internet-surfing" on horseback when you are not alone in the riding hall.
- No stray dogs in the riding hall and cafeteria!
- No stray horses in the riding hall, except for agreed loose jumping!